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Development Skills for Managers

Challenges faced by Managers: 

  • Engaging and retaining talents 

  • Connecting and motivating employees in hybrid + remote work

  • Understanding employees' motivations and deploying their strengths  

  • Helping employees develop relevant skills to contribute and stay employable 

  • Aligning employee career aspirations and organization needs 

  • Conducting stay interviews instead of exit interviews 

  • Creating a resilient, agile and highly adaptable team 

  • Giving effective performance and career oriented feedback

  • Sense-making and problem solving for sustainable solutions 


What do I learn?

Do you know your strengths and the skills to develop to grow your career?

Here's how to enhance your skills.

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Get your


Priority Skills


We can help you build capabilities to engage your talents. 

5-Es  for Managers

Managers Pathway

Development Pathway for Managers

   Elevate              Excel               Engage           Empower           Expand               

Build leadership bench strength. 


Elevate your self-cultivation to bring the best in you, and your team

Whole Person | Whole Leader

Leaders should not underestimate the impact of change on their workforce and consequently the impact on productivity and organizational success. Organizations and leaders who care for their workforce create conditions for them to be at their best, thereby equipping their organizations to thrive through change and disruption.

2 days | 2.00pm-5.30pm |  Virtual

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Excel in performance by aligning and empowering your team

Performance Conversations
for Managers


People who see how they can grow with your organization will contribute more, be 5more productive and innovative. How do you build reliable talent in your organisation?

2 days | 9 
am - 5 pm 



Engage and retain your talents in hybrid / remote work with our best strategies

Love 'Em or Lose 'Em:

Engaging and Getting the Best from Your People


Employee engagement is key, and affects the dynamics of the whole organisation. How do we develop critical skills to build meaningful workplace relationships?

2 days | 1.30pm-5.30pm | Please contact us



Empower to help talents perform their best and grow in the organizations

Career Coaching: 
Engage, Develop and Retain your Talent


It is not possible for an organization to meet its goals with a disengaged, insufficiently skilled and unmotivated workforce. How does a good manager bring out the best in their employees?

1.5 days | 9 am - 6 pm & 9 am - 12.30 pm 



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Expand your thinking, make sense of uncertainty to improve problem-solving

Sense-Making & Problem Solving:
Advanced Systems Thinker


Breakthrough at the Systemic Level.  'See the Big Picture', 'Find the Root Cause', 'Work the System' - common phrases floating along senior management corridors. But how exactly? This workshop shows you the methodologies and tools of an Advanced Systems Thinker, so that you can be smarter than your problem.

2 days | 9.00am-5.30pm| F

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Influence stakeholders, get your expertise used, and be a trusted partner

Accelerated Flawless Consulting:
Gaining Influence + Getting Expertise Used


Meaningful partnerships within and outside of the organisation does not come by chance. How do we better build collaborative relationships?

Influence = Expertise x Relationship
Build the partnership that your clients and leaders trust and commit to act on your recommendations so you increase your imp
act through your expertise.

3 days | 9.00 am - 6.00 pm | F

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Insight to develop skills and competencies quickly

Learning Agility:
Learn Fast | Skilled Fast


World Economic Forum, McKinsey and SkillsFuture have listed learning agility as one of the top critical skills. Learn to identify the right skills for you to develop to be future fit. Improve your learning productivity through an effective research-based process. Maximise the translation of learning to application and ultimately impact at work.

2 days | 2.00pm-5.30pm | virtual

Learning Agility

microLearning Solutions

  • Are you looking to upskill through bite-sized learning?
  • Need to organise bite-sized learning solutions for your employees?

To receive more information on our microLEARNING topics and keynotes, send us a message.
Let us know how we can help. We will get in touch as soon as we can.


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