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Development Skills for Professionals

Professionals often ask: 


  • Is this an organization that supports my growth with an inclusive culture? 

  • What skills do I need to stay relevant and productive in a changing world? 

  • How do I start career conversations with my boss? 

  • How do I navigate and grow my career? 

  • What are my skills and interests that I can develop? 

  • How do I learn quickly and improve my learning agility? 

  • How do I manage everything - workload, family commitments and have a life?

  • How do I build strategic partnerships and became a trusted advisor? 

  • How do I build influence and get my expertise used? 

  • How do I solve problems effectively?

learning agility_priority skills profile

What do I learn?

Do you know your strengths and the skills to develop to grow your career?

Here's how to enhance your skills.

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Get your


Priority Skills


We can help you future-ready your career. 

6-Is  for Professionals

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Development Pathway for Professionals

    Ignite          Involve          Insight         Impact        Integrate     Influence               


Ignite self-cultivation to adapt and thrive in change

Wellbeing, Balance and Adaptability in Hybrid + Remote Work

Organizations and leaders who care for their workforce create conditions for them to be at their best, thereby equipping their organizations to thrive through change and disruption. These conditions create a workforce that is empathetic, yet agile and resilient, thereby embracing change as an opportunity for improvement.

Wholeness for All
Register Your Interest


Involve to own and shape your career development as the organisation changes

Career Planning: 
Career Resilience in a Changing World


People who see how they can grow with your organization will contribute more, be more productive and innovative. How do you build reliable talent in your organisation?

2 days | 9 am - 6 pm | F

Career  Planning_More Than One Path


Insight to develop skills and competencies quickly

Learning Agility:
Learn Fast | Skilled Fast


World Economic Forum, McKinsey and SkillsFuture have listed learning agility as one of the top critical skills. Learn to identify the right skills for you to develop to be future fit. Improve your learning productivity through an effective research-based process. Maximise the translation of learning to application and ultimately impact at work.

2 days | 2.00pm-5.30pm | virtual

why is learning agility important


Impact personal and organisational performance

Performance Conversations:

Managing Upwards to Do your Best Work 


It is not possible to perform one's best without alignment of aspirations and sense of meaning. How do we manage upwards effectively to do our best work?

Performance Conversations for Employees
Register Your Interest


Integrate people and processes systemically for effective solutions

Sense-Making & Problem Solving:

Art of Systems Thinking


Understanding and Solving Wicked Problems. 
Stop fighting fires at work - because it will lead to more fires. Reactive solutions will not solve complex issues. Instead, understand the systemic causes to address the fundamental issues - once and for all.

1 day | 9.00am-5.30pm | virtual

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Influence stakeholders, get your expertise used, and be a trusted partner

Accelerated Flawless Consulting:

Gaining Influence + Getting Expertise Used


Meaningful partnerships within and outside of the organisation does not come by chance. How do we better build collaborative relationships?

Influence = Expertise x Relationship
Build the partnership that your clients and leaders trust and commit to act on your recommendations so you increase your impact through your expertise.

3 days | 9.00am-5.00pm | Face-to-Face

For Consultants_Accelerated Flawless Consulting workshop

microLearning Solutions

Are you interested in bite-sized learning?

To receive more information on our microLEARNING topics and keynotes, send us a message.
Let us know how we can help. We will get in touch as soon as we can.

bite sized learning for Professionals

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